7 benefits of Zumba for older adults

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You know you should exercise, but let’s face it, you stopped years ago because it just wasn’t gratifying, right? Well, what would you say to a workout that incorporates dance moves — sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Well, there is such a thing! It’s called Zumba.

And Zumba doesn’t have to be fast or complicated. Some forms, such as Zumba Gold, are created specifically for seniors. The Zumba Gold program allows you to go at your own speed and provides altered, low-impact routines that are easy to follow.

There are many health benefits to Zumba fitness classes. And the energizing music in each class will really get you moving toward a healthier, active lifestyle.

Maintains a healthy heart

This might not be an obvious health advantage, but even though this program is low-impact, it still gets your heart pumping.

It’s important to have a strong and healthy heart during your senior years. But don’t be afraid, you’ll be able to do this class — it’s so much fun and very simple to follow.

Because you’ll be moving your whole body, the dance steps will help circulate your blood better through your entire body and raise your heart rate. Zumba is a superb cardio workout that will aid in reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke.

Enhances mobility

If your mobility isn’t what it used to be, don’t worry. Your balance, posture and coordination will be improved through Zumba classes.

In addition, attending classes on a routine basis will increase your stamina, range of motion, energy, agility and flexibility.

Over time, you’ll notice that these workouts actually aid in decreasing sore joints or painful arthritis. You’ll have a great time watching your younger self shine through!

Perks up your cognitive function

In your elder years, your skill of paying attention and concentrating may grow weaker. That’s normal for everyone.

Doing any type of exercise can aid in enhancing oxygen-rich blood flow; this brings about positive effects for cognitive function in seniors. So you can do battle against the loss of your cognitive function with Zumba — and you’ll win!

Add to your social life

Usually, a Zumba class has a group of 25 people. This allows you to meet and interact with a lot of new people — maybe even make some new friends.

You’ll be part of an entertaining exercise program — why not bring your friends along to join the party? You, your old friends and new friends will have a ball getting healthy.

Manage your weight

The dance routines in the classes will assist you in burning off calories. When you burn off calories, you’ll burn off excess fat. If you exercise for 30 minutes with Zumba, you could very easily wipe out about 250 to 300 calories! You’ll lose weight in no time and that means less stress on your joints, your heart won’t work as hard and you’ll generally be healthier. Imagine, you’ll be able to keep up with your grandchildren! With these classes, you’ll keep the pounds off, too.

Strengthen muscles and bones

It’s essential that older adults have strong muscles and bones — and this program is the way to do it. Everyone needs strong muscles to do daily activities and strong muscles will help maintain your bones. You use numerous muscles while performing the easy-to-learn dances in Zumba — which will, in turn, create better muscles throughout your body.

One other terrific benefit is that this program can boost bone density; the better your bone density is, the less chance you have of developing osteoporosis during older age.

Stress reliever

Some people can experience anxiety, stress and depression — especially older adults who spend a good part of their day inside.

Stress, anxiety or depression isn’t good for your body; it constantly disrupts healing, digestion and rest. The exhilarating moves of Zumba will work wonders for alleviating depression, anxiety and stress. Performing any kind of workout will help free serotonin and dopamine into your brain; these are the “feel good” endorphins which improve your mood and assist you in thinking positively. Sweating in a Zumba class is a wonderful way to release those endorphins and rid your body of its toxins; it’s a great way to relax, too!

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