How to get motivated to exercise

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Getting in a workout rut can happen to the best of us. Suddenly, you find yourself lacking the energy and motivation to even think about the gym.

Fear not. The feeling is normal, and it’s called a plateau.  Sometimes you just need to make small changes that will quickly resuscitate your workout. 

Before you retreat to the couch in your pajamas, try these three things to take your workout from bummer to booster:

Find a workout partner

If you’re struggling with your motivation, or you simply want to add more enjoyment to your workout, then you may want to consider recruiting a workout partner. Having the right workout buddy can be the difference between failure and success. The right workout partner can force you out of your comfort zone and inspire you to keep going when you otherwise may have given up.

More importantly, you can get a great workout while having a great time. Think about it: The more fun your workouts are, the more you’re going to look forward to and be committed to them over the long-term.  And consistency and longevity are necessary for achieving your goals. 

Working out doesn’t need to be so serious.  It’s OK to laugh, chat and have fun.  The social component could be exactly what your workout is missing. 

Create a new playlist

Working out to your favorite music will help to boost your energy and sustain it throughout your workout.  Music can help to release endorphins — which are “feel good” chemicals — so chances are you will feel more positive. 

We all have favorite songs that get us in “the zone,”  songs like the theme song from “Rocky” that ignite deep energy reserves that can help us power through that last mile or last set of push-ups.  Often, we associate these songs with memories of the original context in which we originally heard them (think Rocky running up the stairs in his hooded sweatshirt). This boosts the motivational power of the song, which has proven to improve physical performance.

Furthermore, the rhythm of your music stimulates the motor area of the brain as to when to move, which can assist when doing even-paced exercises like running or weight lifting.  Getting in sync with this helps to use our energy more efficiently and create a more natural flow throughout the workout.

Try something new

If you find yourself loathing the elliptical machine you step on every single morning or pounding the pavement around your same old neighborhood, it may be time to switch up your routine. Keep your workouts fresh by constantly trying new things. Sashay yourself into a Zumba class for something totally different. If that’s not your thing, you could try a wide variety of exercises, including biking, swimming, running, aerobics, weight lifting, and sports like tennis and golf. 

Or you simply could modify the activities you currently are doing.  Instead of running on a treadmill, you could run at a park for a change of scenery.  Or you could incorporate sprints into your run, rather than running at a consistent pace, to switch it up.   

It’s important to vary your fitness routine for both your body and brain. 

“There are numerous benefits to mixing up your workout routine,” says Arnold Lee, MD, a physician at One Medical Group in San Francisco. “It’s the key to stimulating different muscle groups and preventing boredom.”

Just because the word “work” is in workout, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy what you’re doing.  By integrating friends, music and new activities into your regime, you will become more energized, more motivated and able to take your workout to the next level.  So go ahead and laugh, sing and venture in to something new next time you sweat it out.

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